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50 Gardening Activities For The Kids


There comes a point in each summer holidays when the kids get to that "I'm SO bored" moment.  I find there are two ways to react to this - either find the largest cupboard in the house, shut the door and curl up in the foetal position waiting for it to pass, or reach for that list  'activities for the kids to keep them entertained'.


Below is a list of garden-based and outdoor activities, so if you're looking for a bit of inspiration this holiday, why not try some of these:

1. Hold a garden treasure hunt

2. Press flowers and make pressed flower bookmarks or placemats

3. Plant cress heads

4. Make garden spotting sheets

5. Play badminton or Frisbee

6. Cut and arrange some flowers

7. Go on a mini-beast hunt

8. Put double-sided sticky tape on some card and see how many nature colours the children can spot and collect on a walk outside

9. Plant herb pots

10. Make a mini garden

11. Make a tent from a clothes horse and sheet to set up your own camping site

12. Make a garden collage

13. Try some open air theatre - drag the dressing up box outside and let the kids put on a show

14. Make plant perfume

15. Harvest some fruit and veg for tea

16. Find some fairy gifts

17. Collect seeds and design and make your own seed packets

18. Grow carrot tops

19. Plan and build a garden for the kids

20. Have a picnic

21. Personalise the playhouse

22. Play 'Run Around'

23. Fill the paddling pool

24. Make a sand garden or sand pit

25. Make pressed flower soaps

26. Start a garden journal

27. Create jam jar night lights

Jam jar lights

28. Build a scarecrow

29. Play hide and seek

30. Make a nature walk booklet or go for an explore

31. Build a tree house

32. Make a bug hotel

Bug Hotel

33. Personalise your wellies

34. Jump in puddles

35. Write your name or draw a picture on a pumpkin

36. Use some bamboo canes, netting and prunings to make a camouflaged bird spotting den

37. Take the children out to choose their own autumn bulbs for planting

38. Worm counting

39. Blow some bubbles

40. Go bark rubbing?

41. Make 'magic mixtures' - sand, dirt, stones - add water and stir - it's disgusting but strangely compelling for the under 10's

42. Make a list for a scavenger hunt

43. Have a game of croquet

44. Create a stumpery

45. Devise an obstacle course

46. Sink a trampoline and watch them bounce

47. Climb a tree

48. Create a den

49. Have a water fight

50. Make a bird bath

Garden maintenance is important in the summer months, so keeping the lawn mowed or rotavating the soil in time to plant vegetables and crops are jobs to do. A well kept garden is just what the children need to make the most of their outdoor activities!


Petrol Lawnmower 22" - Self Propelled Zero Turn


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