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7HP and 15HP Petrol Wood Chipper Shredder FAQ

The 7HP and 15HP petrol wood chipper/shredder/mulchers are mainstays of our range of chippers; equipped with both a chipping side chute and a top brush hopper both models are versatile and reliable. While the 15HP increases the size of various components, including the side chute, the engine, the chamber and the wheels, the operation of the two machines are very similar and as such, most of the below FAQ will apply to both machines, as well as previous iterations with smaller engine sizes. This page is designed to help assist with anything which has come up over the years, in order to get you up and running as swiftly as possible.

Petrol Wood Chipper Shredder

Always turn off the engine and remove the spark plug before you follow any of the advice listed below.


General Questions


Maintenance Checks



You can view our video which shows how to replace the flails in the lower chipping chamber here. You can purchase complete replacement flail hammer kits here - there are four of these sets (a total of sixteen flail hammers) in one chamber, so if you are looking to replace all of them, you would have to order four sets. We also have the individual components available:

  • Ensure you run the chipper on full throttle whenever chipping to get maximum through draft and to prevent the chipper from blocking.
  • No items larger than 10mm in diameter should be put through the top hopper; this should be fed into the chipping side chute.

  • This is caused by attempting to run the machine with a blockage. This blockage results in the clutch being unable to turn and in turn, heating, which causes the belt to smoke.
  • To resolve this, the machine should be turned off immediately.
  • After the machine has come to a complete stop and the spark plug has been disconnected, you should clear any blockages from the side chute and chipping chamber.
  • It is also important to check the discharge area to ensure this is clear.
    • Remove the mesh screen so you have access to the curved screen with circular holes.
    • Use a suitable implement to remove any debris.
    • If you are unable to clear the blockage through the curved screen with circular holes, it is possible to remove this by removing the rods which hold this screen in place. This is secured with r-pins located on the side of the machine.
    • Ensure that both screens are reinstalled before starting the machine again.
  • After the machine is cleared and reassembled, run the machine for a minute without any material to ensure there are no remaining elements in the chamber.
  • We recommend letting the machine run for a minute after use to let any debris clear before turning the machine off to ensure there is no blockage when you next come to run the machine.
  • You can find our video on how to remove and replace the drive belt and the belt guard here



  • Is the ignition switch in the ‘ON’ position?
  • Is the fuel shut-off valve on?
  • Are you using fresh, clean fuel?
    • If the fuel is old, change it.
    • We recommend using a fuel stabilizer if you are to keep the fuel longer than 30 days.
  • Is the spark plug clean?
  • Is there sufficient oil in the wood chipper?
    • These chippers have a low-level oil cut out - even if it is a bit low, it can make it difficult to start. On level ground, remove the filler plug and fill right up to the top of the threads.
    • If you need replacement oil, you can order our horticultural engine oil here
  • Is there dirt in the carburetor?
    • Undo the bolt holding the float chamber to the carburetor, empty out any fuel which may be in there and clean inside using fresh clean petrol.
    • Remove the jet in the bottom of the carburetor and clean it. Then refit the jet and float chamber. If you need to replace the carburetor, order a replacement carburetor.
  • Is the air filter in good condition?
  • If after going through our checklist you are still experiencing problems please contact the tech team at techsupport@titan-pro.co.uk

  • Check the oil level and if low adjust as needed.
  • Check the air filter and replace or clean it if necessary.
  • Are you using the right oil?
    • We recommend using SAE30 horticultural engine oil, as anything too light for the temperature could cause the engine to smoke and therefore cause damage.
    • Order horticultural engine oil
  • Make sure the cooling fans are not dirty
    • If you find they are clean by using an old cloth.

  • If you are starting the wood chipper with the electric start when the engine is cold, please check you have set the choke lever to full choke before starting. Once the engine has started you should be sure to let it run at low throttle for 30 seconds before you begin to increase the throttle level slowly.
  • If you are starting the wood chipper with the electric start when the engine is warm, set the choke lever to half (middle choke position). Once the engine has started, you should let the chipper run at a low throttle for again around 30 seconds before you start to slowly increase it.

  • For the Lifan 190F engine, the valve clearances are as follows:
    • Intake: 0.15mm
    • Exhaust: 0.20 +0.02mm

  • Carburetor leaks are usually caused by a perished o-ring or a stuck float, which results in the fuel not shutting off at the required time.
  • First, to check if the float is sticking:
    • Turn the fuel off
    • Remove the bowl from the bottom of the carburetor (a little fuel will likely come out, so it is recommended to have a container to catch this).
    • With your finger, push the float up gently and hold it in its uppermost position. The float is a white plastic which pivots up and down.
    • Turn the fuel to the "on" position"
    • Let go of the float to see the fuel flowing, then push the float up to stop the fuel flowing. If the fuel continues to flow when you have pushed the float up then there is a fault with the float.
    • Turn the fuel off and reassemble.
  • Secondly, to check the o-ring:
    • Whilst the fuel bowl is removed from the carburetor, look at the surface of the carburetor where the bowl sits up against.
    • On this surface, there should be an o-ring in the groove of the carburetor.
    • Check its condition to determine if it needs replacing.
  • Replacement carburetors can be purchased on the following links:



  • The tension of the belts should be checked before each use, when new or after they have been replaced as the belts will stretch over time.
  • You can find our video on how to replace the drive belt here
  • To adjust the tension of the belts:
    • Loosen the four location nuts on the engine.
    • Move the engine forward until the V belt is very tight.
    • Align the main pulley and affiliated pulley so that they are on the same plane.
    • Tighten the four location bolts on the engine base
    • Refix the belt cover back in its correct position and tighten the nuts.
    • You can view our TP15ESchip user manual here.



This wingnut is nom. size #6.

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